Funded by

Europe for Citizens

Laura Avanzi
Project Officer - SERN


European network on the role of volunteers in welfare policies

About the project

The Volwe idea was born thanks to the participation in the SERN network’s activities. Each country expressed interest in developing the relationships between Public Administrations and non-profit organizations in the light of the always more complex needs of the society. Social policies can’t be just mending interventions, they have to be part of a global vision of the services, with quality as a core value for the evaluation of the performances and the results.
Both the representatives of the Public Administrations, along with the Volunteers were committed to find new methods for tackling these problems. In particular, each partner presented their successful practice during six events, the other partners had the opportunity to get ideas (if not the whole practice) and implement it in their own countries.


The aims of the present project were:
• Increase the knowledge on the nature of the Volunteers Organizations (characteristics, framework laws, relationships with the public administrations in each country).
• The exchange of meaningful experiences among municipalities on the relationships between public administrations and Volunteers Organizations, with special attention to the commitment towards the citizens more in need
• The study and experimentation of ways to approach the young generations to volunteering.
• Strengthening the role and functions of the Volunteers Organizations
• Creating a long term cooperation among partner countries for the consolidation of the common work between Public Administrations and Volunteers Organizations, by monitoring the changes and the efficacy of the actions made


Apart from the target groups defined, the Volwe project also reached and involved other subjects of the civil society, especially schools which took part in the actions implemented locally. The exchange between non profit associations at international level fostered a deeper sense of belonging to Europe and a stronger wish to work together, developing the relations created during the project. On the basis of the results, the partners identified the integration of disadvantaged young people as the driving theme of future projects.