Funded by

Europe For Citizens

SERN Secretariat


Building Actions of Guidance Services for Youth Employment Network

About the project

Bags4youth is a european project submitted under the action 2.2 Network of Twinned Towns of the Europe for Citizens programme. This project started off from the need of examining the best practices across Euope on how to foster youth employment or self-employment also with an eye of those at risk of marginalisation such as migrants or disadvantaged. To foster young people’s employability is one of the priorities of recent years, at local, national and European level, given that labour facilitates social inclusion for a wide range of “disadvantaged” citizens (immigrants, young people with difficult socio-economical backgrounds or with disabilities etc.). It requires the implementation of pro-active actions, targeted on the one hand to create a “job culture” that gives value even to the humblest working activity, on the other hand to support and guide the research or creation of jobs for young people (and by young people), paying attention to the potential of civil society organizations and resources at local level, in a logic of solidarity and complementarity.


The project aims to exchange experiences at European level on how to foster active participation of young people, with a focus on disadvantaged ones, and to improve dialogue between these young people and institutions for the development of local policies related to job-guidance services. Particular attention will be paid to set up local systems which integrate the expertise from public institutions (municipalities, employment services, etc.) and private entities (associations, companies, social cooperatives, voluntary and/or youth organizations) in order to find new approaches for informing, training and supporting young people.


At the end of the project activities the participating municipalities will benefit from the knowledge acquired on the quality of youth policies and job-guidance services, with particular attention to the integration between different actors at local level and between different contexts of intervention (formal, non- formal and informal), The staff working in guidance services taking part in the activities will broaden their understanding of innovative tools and strategies to relate to young people and interact with the local network of stakeholders; Finally, the project will inspect what and how communication tools can be used to foster the active participation of young people in the formulation of local policies for education and job-guidance.


See the final publication developed in the framework of the project.