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Erasmus+, KA3

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Ginevra Roli
Project Officer - SERN


Securing the Best Interest of the Child in Educational School Administration

About the project

The project SeBI  is financed by the European Commission, through funds granted by the National Erasmus + Support for policy reform Key Action 3 (KA3) Social inclusion and common values: the contribution in the field of education and training.

The main concept of the project is the Best Interest of Child, a term that has been used in a number of international human rights documents, most notably the 1959 Declaration on the Rights of the Child, the 1979 Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women and the 1989 Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC).

According to the CRC: “The best interests of the child shall be a primary consideration in all actions affecting children, there shall be no discrimination on the grounds of race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinions, national, ethnic or social origin, property, disability, birth or other status, states Parties recognize that every child has the inherent right to life and shall ensure to the maximum extent possible the survival and development of the child and children shall be assured the right to express their views freely in all matters affecting them, their views being given due weighting accordance with the child’s age and level of maturity”. The novel characteristic of this statement of the best interests principle was probably its scope as for the first time, it extended its reach to an obligation on States “to ensure that children’s interests are placed at the heart of government and of all decision-making which impacts on children”.

Since then a clear and precise understanding of the “best interest” concept remains to be further elaborated since it has been subject to different interpretations. At the same time the reality often comes in contrast with the legislation regarding the best interest of the child, not only in cases of social crisis but in normality as well. Despite the important work by the European Union, the Council of Europe and others in the field of ensuring children’s rights, a reality check across Europe suggests that levels of child poverty and social exclusion are escalating.

It is evidenced, not only in the EU, but in other countries around the world, that educational systems are not yet fully build to implement the best interest of the Child. Hence, one of the best ways through which states can address the best interests of the Child is to enshrine them to their educational institutions and practices. The lack of training and knowledge on the part of decision makers at this level in primary and secondary education may prolong the achievement gap and marginalization of disadvantaged children. Such achievement gap can be reduced through relevant practices established in schools based on the forthcoming country specific needs analysis and desk research.

The SEBI project, aims to identify the key challenges that educational systems face in areas were the determination of the Best Interest of the Child is a prerequisite, and prepare methods, tools and processes to support evidence-based policy making supporting school leaders, teachers and policymakers.


The general objective of the project is to develop and implement innovative methods and practices to foster inclusive education and promote common values.

The specific objectives of the project are:

  • To identify the key challenges that educational systems face regarding decision making in areas were the determination of the Best Interest of the Child is a prerequisite.
  • To support evidence-based policy making.
  • To develop methods and tools that will enhance collaboration, communication and exchange of good practices in the promotion and facilitation of Determining the best Interest of the Child.
  • To facilitate sustainability and transferability of good practices through the development of policy and practices integration manuals for national educational systems, taking into account each systems framework.


The expected results of the project are first focused on increasing stakeholders’ knowledge of the concept of the BIC as well as the EU, national and local policies and legislation as well as administrative practices in the field; the design, development and/or monitoring of policies aimed to take into account the BIC in all aspects of the pedagogical process with the aim to empower disadvantaged children and promote the rights of children in society as well as more effective implementation of the legislation on non-discrimination.


WP1: Mapping the Ecosystem of Current Practices and Trends in Securing the Best Interest of the Child in Educational School Administration

WP2: Capacity Building of School staff and stakeholders

WP3: Development, Testing and Fine-Tuning of Educative Assets

WP4: Development of Policy Recomentations

WP5: Awareness Campaign, dissemination and exploitation

WP6: Monitoring, quality control and evaluation

WP7: Project Management and Coordination

European framework of the best interests of the child

News from the Project
Watch the latest video of the project!

Opportunity for training

SEMINAR: Assicurare la tutela del prevalente interesse del minore in ambito scolastico (art 3 CDM Onu 1989)

In the framework of the SEBI Project a seminar (IN ITALIAN) will be organised for teachers and educators, to deepen the principle of the Best Interest of the Child and its application in schools.

25 October 2022; 14.00-17.30

Sala di Cultura BCC, via Emilia 210/A – Imola

In the framework of the SEBI Project an online training (IN ITALIAN) will be offered to school managers, teachers of all educational cycles and educators, to deepen the principle of the Best Interest of the Child and its application in schools.

The training is divided into 2 online seminars, in February, repeated a week apart in a different time slot.

1) session 14-17 February – click here to register 
2) session 22-24 February – click here to register