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Quality of life of the seniors in Europe - Forward Policies and Actions for seniors in Europe

About the project

QLSE started in 2009 with the aim of creating a long-term transnational network of cooperation on the issue of policies and services for the senior citizens (60+) that are active and in good health. The participating municipalities/regions were from Italy, France, Germany and Sweden and they all dealt with an ageing population. The questions these municipalities asked themselves were: Who are the future seniors? What are their needs? How can the society support them? To solve the questions four key areas were developed during the activites: empowerment, social life, products and services, and housing. Five events have been arranged during the project, one for each key area. Each event saw an active participation of the representatives from the partner municipalities presenting the experiences, projects and best practices of each country.


European network on forward policies and actions for seniors in Europe aimed at encouraging and empowering the seniors to become an active subject both locally and in Europe in participating and increasing their influence and responsibility on decision-making processes affecting their daily life as a senior and citizen.


First transnational conference
13/15 December 2009
Skövde (SE)

Second transnational conference
17/19 May 2010
Enzkreis (DE)

Third transnational conference
12/14 October 2010
Norrköping (SE)

Fourth transnational conference
20/22 January 2011
Tours (FR)

Fifth transnational conference
30 March/1 April 2011
Traversetolo (IT)

Sixth transnational conference
28 November/1 December 2011
Parma (IT)


The project has given the participants a lot of new knowledge that in some cases has already given rise to new activities. In Italy an important cooperation between local public authorities, Parma University and elderly associations has started. This cooperation offers opportunities to exchange information and knowledge which is important in getting to know the local volunteering realities better, begin/improve cooperation with high level education institutions/research centers (Parma University), and to create a common arena where exchanging opinions, expectations, and proposals is fostered. This has improved the collaboration between associations and local authorities, created a network among university and local authorities for a deeper knowledge from a different perspectives.

In Sweden, Norrköping describes that the project has provided an awareness of the group and how different it is. New strategic alliances locally, regionally and nationally between municipalities, NGOs, universities, inventors, and SMEs that focus on development and work with the life of the 60+ have been started. A two year project focusing on the technology for the daily living of the 80+ and their relatives was begun after the end of QLSE. The exhibition which was conducted during the third event of the project in Norrköping was so successful that it has been repeated in 2012.

The municipality of Skövde started off with a lecture and work shop on “Who are the future seniors?”. Representatives from a wide range of organizations were invited (politicians, representatives from municipality, transport, property owners, business sector, science park, university, NGOs). Thereafter, three lectures to the public and several dialogue sessions with seniors have been carried out. From the dialogue with the seniors it turned out that mental preparation for retirement was very important among the elderly.