- Length: 2023
- Members Involved: SERN, Province of Parma (IT)

- ginevra.roli@sern.eu
- +39 3441183550
Designing a More Equitable Europe: Capacity Building and Tools for Local Authorities
About the project
“PREQUEL” is a project of the Province of Parma co-financed by the Emilia-Romagna Region under Regional Law 16/2008 on European citizenship. The sessions are organised and curated by SERN.
The project stems from the need to act in the context of local authorities, on the issues of promoting gender equality and equal opportunities, worker protection and mobbing. The results from the administration of a questionnaire on the relationship between the activities of the CUG – Comitati Unici di Garanzia (Single Guarantee Committees) – and European policies showed that there is little awareness of the ‘European Strategy for Gender Equality 2020-2025’. Despite this, however, the data also showed an interest on the part of the administration’s employees in carrying out projects to spread gender culture in the institution and in the territory, using European funds. From this context analysis comes the proposal to envisage a thematic training course for civil servants and administrators, which could disseminate knowledge and skills (capacity building) on European policies and opportunities in the field of equal opportunities and on the modalities of elaboration of project proposals consistent with European policies and at the same time responding to supra-municipal needs, which could lead to the start-up of new synergies among local authorities aimed not only at an efficiency enhancement of processes but also at a greater effectiveness in terms of public value produced.
The objectives of Prequel are:
- To offer civil servants dealing with equal opportunities activities and policymakers a knowledge framework of European policies for a more inclusive Europe, also providing tools to increase capacity building;
- To learn and exchange good practices with other European countries, with specific reference to the Swedish case, and to foster, through the strengthening of thematic cooperation on equal opportunities, the possibility to carry out international projects, also in small territorial realities.
The project concerns the realisation of 4 meetings, partly theoretical and partly workshop-based with a greater active involvement of the participants.

For the dissemination of the work carried out, several materials have been published online, including a guide summarising all the project contents. In addition, all the ppt presentations and the recording of the webinar are available, as well as a collection of video pills on the fundamental concepts of the topic. Brochures and/or educational videos on the core concepts will be made available at the institutions, but also in other institutions in the area, such as schools.