Funded by

Europe for Citizens

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Nicola Catellani
Network Coordinator - SERN
Laura Avanzi
Project Officer - SERN


European network for a participated valorisation of cultural heritage

About the project

PartHer is a 24-month-project involving 8 partners from 6 EU countries (Italy, Sweden, Germany, France, Spain and Croatia).


The general objective of the project was to contribute to the development of a participated approach to cultural heritage at European level. The Specific objectives were:
1. To foster the role of citizens in choosing the tangible and intangible cultural heritage of their territory, increasing local communities self-confidence end empowerment.
2. To promote the role of museums as centres of awareness about cultural heritage fostering citizenship, as specified by ICOM Siena Charter on Museums and Cultural Landscapes.
3. To promote reflection and debate about a common (European) view of cultural heritage stemming from citizens’ perspective within the assistance of public administrations and museums.


The workplan foresaw a set of activities that involved more than 400 direct participants. In particular the partners arranged:
• 2 coordination meetings
• 2 Seminars on two main focus areas on 1) tangible cultural heritage and 2) intangible cultural heritage
• Local participatory activities/processes in each country
• Inventories of local heritage co-constructed with the citizens and Mapping at local land European level
• A final conference aimed at the Finalization of the maps.

During the second transnational meeting in Tours (February 2020), project partners representatives, reported on the development of the mapping process of tangible and intangible Heritage in their countries.

Presentations of the Partners

10 events, plus one extra local event, have been carried out within this project from March 2019 to December 2021. Indeed, due the Covid-19 outbreak, the end of the project has been postponed of one year.

Event 1

Participation: The event involved  26 citizens, including 2 participants from the city of Tours (France), 2 participants from the city of Linköping (Sweden), 2 participants from the Municipality of Konavle (Croatia), 1 participant from Landkreis Kassel (Germany), 1 participant from the Municipality of Denia (Spain) and 18 participants from the Municipality of Parma and SERN (Italy).

Location / Dates: The event took place in Parma – Italy, from 18/03/2019 to 20/03/2019.
Short description:  The aim of the event was to let the partners know, to define better the project implementation phase in order to achieve the project objectives, to divide tasks among partners (dissemination, monitoring, evaluation) and the work plan in local and transnational events and to plan the use of the digital platform to gather contributions from citizens on cultural heritage.

Event 2
Participation: The event involved 59 citizens, including 5 participants from the city of Tours (France), 27 participants from the city of Linköping (Sweden), 4 participants from the Municipality of Konavle (Croatia), 6 participants from Landkreis Kassel (Germany), 4 participants from the Municipality of Denia (Spain) and 4 participants from the Municipality of Parma and 4 participants from SERN (Italy).

Location / Dates: The event took place in Linköping – Sweden, from  01/10/2019  to 03/10/2019
Short description:  The focus of the event was on tangible cultural heritage based on the presentation of the methodological approach for the collection of citizens’ contributions, and of the first inventories gathered by partners at local level. A second topic discussed during the event was the Swedish experience on empowering cultural heritage as a force in the development of a democratic and sustainable society and of the participatory process in the promotion of cultural heritage. 


Event 3
Participation: The event involved 97 citizens, including 69 participants from the city of Tours (France), 7 participants from the city of Linköping (Sweden), 4 participants from the Municipality of Konavle (Croatia), 4 participants from Landkreis Kassel (Germany), 4 participants from the Municipality of Denia (Spain) and 5 participants from the Municipality of Parma and 4 participants from SERN (Italy).

Location / Dates: The event took place in Tours, France from 02/02/2020 to 06/02/2020
Short description:  The focus of this event was the analysis and discussion of the intangible cultural heritage in the partnering countries. Particular attention was paid to the definition of the role of citizens in the protection of local heritage with the presentation of the inventories that emerged at local level and the exchanges among local stakeholders and transnational participants thanks to different roundtables on the valorisation of cultural heritage and on the participation of citizens. The French experience was presented through the introduction of the example of the Loire Valley as mediation and valorisation of a cultural landscape.

From February/March 2020 the PartHer project faced the impact on the Covid19 pandemic outbreak with the prolongation of the implementation phase for 12 months and the activation of on-line meetings.


Event 4

Participation: The event involved 27 citizens from Landkreis Kassel, Germany  (local valorisation event).

Location / Dates: The event took place in Klostermuseum Bad Emstal, on 13/09/2020.

The aim of the local valorisation event was to present the PartHer project to local stakeholders and to support citizens in expressing their thoughts on cultural heritage through gathering their contributions on the project digital platform. Particular attention has been paid to the citizens’ contribution related to the natural environment and the local traditions.

Event 5

Participation: The event involved 168 citizens from the City of Tours, France  (local valorisation event).

Location / Dates: The event took place in Tours on 19-20/09/2020.

The local valorisation event took place during the European days for cultural heritage. The aim of the local event  was to present the PartHer project to local stakeholders and to support citizens in expressing their thoughts on cultural heritage through gathering their contributions on the project digital platform. Particular attention was paid to the participation of young citizens that supported the City of Tours in promoting the PartHer project and its actions among citizens.

Event 6

Participation: The event involved 27 citizens from the City of Linkoping, Sweden (local valorisation event).

Location / Dates: The event took place in Linköping on 24/09/2020.

The aim of the local event  was to present the PartHer project to local stakeholders and to support citizens in expressing their thoughts on cultural heritage through gathering their contributions on the project digital platform. Particular attention was paid to the to the value of cultural heritage for citizens thanks to workshops and the visit to the Friluftsmuseet Gamla Linköping.

Event 7

Participation: The event involved 26 citizens from the Municipality of Konavle, Croatia (local valorisation event).

Location / Dates: The event took place in Kovavle, on 03-04/12/2020 with on line broadcasting of the conference and workshop.

The aim of the local valorisation event was to present the PartHer project to local stakeholders and to support citizens in expressing their thoughts on cultural heritage through gathering their contributions on the project digital platform. In order to strengthen the link with the local cultural heritage, the place chosen was the Konavle tradition museum where participants had the opportunity to see some examples of tangible cultural heritage that were also reported on the digital platform by citizens.

Extra Event

Participation: The event involved 42 citizens from the City of Parma, Italy (local valorisation event).

Location / Dates: The event took place on line on 17/12/2020.

The aim of the local valorisation event was to present the PartHer project to local stakeholders and to support citizens in expressing their thoughts on cultural heritage. Particular attention was dedicated to the presentation of some of the most innovative contributions gathered on the digital platform in Parma area.

Event 8

Participation: The event involved 52 citizens from the Municipality of Denia, Spain  (local valorisation event).

Location / Dates: The event took place in Denia on 16-17/06/2021.

The aim of the local valorisation event was to present the PartHer project to local stakeholders and to support citizens to expressing their thoughts on cultural heritage and to show and discuss some of the most innovative contributions gathered on the digital platform in the Denia area.

The Municipality of Denia organised an informal meeting with local stakeholders (around 60 people participated) in January 2020 in order to set the first basis for communication and involvement of citizens in the valorisation of cultural heritage within the PartHer project.

Event 9

Participation: The event involved 27 citizens, including 3 participants from the city of Tours (France), 3 participants from the city of Linköping (Sweden), 2 participants from the Municipality of Konavle (Croatia), 11 participants from Landkreis Kassel (Germany), 1 participant from the Municipality of Denia (Spain) and 4 participants from the Municipality of Parma and 3 participants SERN (Italy).    

Location / Dates: The event took place on line on 09-10/06/2021.

The aim of the event was  to present and discuss the main contents and statistics from citizens’ answers on the digital platform and to find out the most relevant elements to create a European cultural heritage path to be presented in the project’s final publication.

Event 10

Participation: The last event was a blended event with people in Parma and people following the meeting on-line due to restrictions linked to the pandemic. The event involved 77 citizens in total, including 3 participants from the city of Tours (France) in Parma and 3 other participants on-line, 4 participants on- line from the city of Linköping (Sweden), 5 participants from the Municipality of Konavle (Croatia) in Parma, 2 participants from Landkreis Kassel (Germany) in Parma and 2 participants on-line, 4 participants from the Municipality of Denia (Spain) and  41 participants from the  Municipality of Parma and 6 participants SERN (Italy).   

Location / Dates: The event took place both in Parma (Italy) and on-line from 12/12/2021 to 15/12/2021.

The aim of the event was to reach a shared finalization of the European cultural heritage map based on the processes developed at local events with the participation of citizens. This aspect was important to reach both an increased knowledge about partners’ approach towards the protection, valorisation and promotion of the cultural heritage, and to create future networks of cooperation.

Particular attention was paid to the impact of the project that was discussed in transnational workgroups following specific questions:

 – What was the impact of the project from the point of view of local administrations? What did you learn from this project and from your own citizens? What did you learn about other European countries?

– How can/will this project continue in the future (both through the platform and/or in different forms)?

– What can be the place/role of this project in the context of a quickly-evolving national and European culture and within a globalised world?


The expected results are:

1. Increased participation of citizens and increased sense of common belonging to the EU.
2. Inventories and maps of European cultural Heritage.  The platform does not aim at sharing fragmented and disorganised local knowledge, but rather at identifying group of cultural resources that heritage communities wish to transmit to future generation.



The impact in relation to the expected project results will be:
1. best practices and perspectives on the project theme exchanged
2. Increased participation of citizens and increased sense of common belonging to the EU
3. Mapping of European cultural heritage (local and European heritage maps) through a digital platform and tools capable of selecting, preserving and promoting cultural heritage assets valued by local communities. The platform will not only aim at sharing fragmented and disorganised local knowledge, but also at identifying clusters of cultural heritage communities of citizens wishing to pass the heritage on to future generations locally and in Europe.

News from the Project
Final Publication