Funded by

Europe For Citizens

Laura Avanzi
Project Officer - SERN


Improving the planning and management of network of twinned towns

About the project

The project NTT+ has been approaching the project life-cycle of “networks of twinned towns” by developing a process centred on a shared methodology and the development of innovative web-based tools. The project, co-financed by the European Union in the framework of the Europe for Citizens programme (action 1 measure 2.2), has been implemented between January and November 2010. NTT+ has been implemented following three lines of action: training activities at national level; partnering/transnational events; development of monitoring and quality evaluation tools.


The three main focus areas of the project have been: the enhancement of the skills of municipal officers in project development; the development of a methodology and tools guiding the local authorities through the first phases of project cycles; the development of high quality thematic network projects among the participating organisations.
The training activities of the project have been designed with the objective of equipping the participants with a common methodology in project design that would enable them to discuss and develop together with colleagues from other countries high quality proposals for Networks of Twinned Towns. Following a questionnaire sent to all the participants, the project partners identified a number of policy areas of interest to their members:

  1. Young people and development
  2. Social sector business
  3. Renewable energy sources
  4. Family support in a gender equality perspective
  5. Integration and immigration in an employment perspective.


First transnational meeting
4/5 March 2010
Bologna (IT)

Second transnational meeting
11/12 March 2010
Luleå (SE)

Third transnational meeting
6/7 April 2010
La Coruña (ES)

Fourth transnational meeting
10/11 May 2010
Helsinki (FI)


The target groups of the training seminars were both civil servants working in the above mentioned fields and international relations/town twinning officers. The total number of participants was 69 representing 56 organizations from four countries. The transnational meeting has led to the development of the project proposals. Two project applications were submitted in September 2010, the remaining three were submitted in 2011

Click here to download the final publication