Funded by

Erasmus+, KA1

Daniele Chitti
Responsible Person for Preschool Services at Imola Municipality

EUMOB 2020

Improving professional skills of preschool teachers through European mobility

About the project

A Consortium, made up of six Italian Public Bodies managing ECEC services, promotes this project, centered on job shadowing activities for teachers and on a training course for pedagogical coordinator.

All the activities go around four topics on curricular innovation:

– Improving the welcoming of the foreign families and children, favoring their full inclusion, and giving value to their cultures too;

– Giving more value to the outdoor activities, integrating them with the ones traditionally implemented in the classrooms;

– Boosting in a correct way the use of the ICTs in early education, integrating them with the traditional ones (analogical and physical tools);

– Enhancing the European awareness inside the involved schools and the teachers working in them.


The above mentioned  topics, apparently inhomogeneous to each other, must be considered inside a comprehensive strategic theme: to spread the approach and the variety of the didactic activities provision carried out on a daily base so that they can be more accessible and inclusive for all the children.

In fact, beyond their merely different technical features, 1) guaranteeing the full inclusion of the foreign children, 2) pointing on the outdoor activities, 3) introducing the ICT in early education in a correct way… all that allows all the children to find easily a personal way towards learning and knowledge, and to maximize their natural talents, no matter what is their social, cognitive, relational and psychological condition.


The Consortium is coordinated by Imola Municipality and has already specific agreements with 4 European pre-schools (three in Sweden and one in Belgium), for realizing 70 job shadowing mobilities for teachers; furthermore, it has an agreement with the University of Jyväskylä (Finland), for implementing a training course for 12 pedagogical coordinator


At the end of the project, not only we aspect that the involved teachers will reach higher standard in professionalization, but also that the schools where they are working will be able to improve both their curriculum and management (and, consequently, improve the children’s school attendance and well-being) and the competence for keeping in touch with the European schools involved in the job shadowing activities.

Eventually, the Consortium partners, in addition to having already attended many European projects, are active in wider schools network, at municipal, provincial, regional and national levels. For this reason, they are in the best condition for the dissemination of the project outcomes, beyond their own schools.