Funded by

Erasmus+ KA2

Federica Gravina
Project Officer - SERN


Digital Skills Empowerment in Libraries

About the project

The project aims to promote digitalization among adult citizens, especially those in vulnerable situations, by utilizing libraries as a resource. There is an identified need within our communities to establish local points of reference for citizens and to spread digital culture among them. By acquiring digital tools while learning how to best promote digital skills and readiness, these institutions could serve as reference points for educating and promoting the use of digital technologies. They would also provide access for individuals without digital resources to participate— a fundamental democratic right in today’s digitalized society and thereby strengthening democratic participation.

The implementation of this project will be particularly impactful for vulnerable groups, such as the elderly and immigrants, who often face barriers to accessing digital information for various reasons. 


To meet the overall aim of the project, three specific objectives have been identified as follows: 

  • To foster learning through use of digital resources in libraries.
  • To promote digital skills and a critical and secure approach among citizens towards the use of online sources of information. 
  • To facilitate inclusion of vulnerable groups in the local community, in particular migrant families, and elderly people through the use of the digital resources of the library. 


The project involves five activities and will be carried out over a 20-month period, the activities include:

  1. Kick Off Meeting
  2. Collection of the Practices related to the critical use of digital resources through libraries and digital information skills
  3. Seminar to showcase the practices collected and on the digital inclusion of vulnerable groups
  4. Testing of the best practices and Booklet development
  5. Seminar to present the results of the testing of the practices and finalization of the booklet


For these objectives the expected results that will be achieved thanks to the project activities and collaboration are: 

  • Increased use of digital resources available through libraries by citizens and increased knowledge about practices promoting the use of digital resources by the library staff. 
  • Furthermore, the project will grow the capacity and skills of citizens to inform themselves through a critical and secure use of the online sources of information and improve digital skills among citizens. 
  • Lastly, the project is going to increase the number of migrants and elderly people using the library and its digital resources. Migrant families and elderly people will also improve their general knowledge thanks to the digital resources and services offered by the libraries. Vulnerable groups (migrant families and elderly) will thereby become engaged in digital learning pathways.