Funded by

Europe for Citizens

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Laura Avanzi
Project Officer - SERN


Active citizenship and intercultural dialogue with migrant people

About the project

The network DIAMI on active citizenship and intercultural dialogue with migrant people, developed and implemented four thematic seminars between 2012 and 2013. During these meetings, the partnership led by Union Terre Verdiane composed by Swedish, Finnish, Spanish, Italian and Maltese municipalities discussed and compared the national experiences in order to plan common policies related to the integration of migrants.


The project aims at studying a shared methodology and at creating intervention actions to improve the integration of migrant people. In particular, the following specific issues have been addressed:

  • Training and Education: raising the education level of migrant people
  • Work: qualifying the workers, developing competences that will be marketable, increasing the occupation after the suggestion of Europe 2020 Strategy
  • Socialization: promoting the inclusion of migrant people in the life of the communities
  • Second generation migrants: understanding the dimensions and the social impact of the issue

The first three issues have been addressed by organizing three working groups, while the second generation migrants issue have been addressed in a specific seminar.


Coordiantion meeting
13/16 March 2012
Ravenna (IT)

First thematic seminar
7/10 May 2012
Puerto Lumbreras (ES)

Second thematic seminar
12/15 November 2012
Vänersborg (SE)

Third thematic seminar
18/21 March 2013
Xaghra (MT)

Fourth thematic seminar
2/5 September 2013
Lapua (FI)

Final meeting
25/28 November 2013
Salsomaggiore (IT)