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Erasmus+ KA2

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Nicola Catellani
Network Coordinator - SERN
Alessia Mereu
Communications Officer


Modelling a European cross-curricular study programme for upper secondary schools

About the project

The context in which this project originates was deeply connected to the efforts of the EU for the development of a European Education Area by 2025, where spending time abroad to study and learn should become the norm. The project started off from the need to promote a fundamentally new approach towards transnational mobility opportunities for upper secondary school students in which the school plays a more active role in driving the process while offering high-quality learning experiences and ensuring recognition of the period(s) spent abroad. Upper secondary schools can in fact play a key role in educating the European citizens of the future by providing a transnational educational path and equipping them with the skills and competencies needed to access the tertiary education of the future, such as European universities.


The general objective of the project is to actively contribute to the construction of the European Education Area through the development of a model of European exchange and study programme among general upper secondary schools.
The specific objectives of the project are:

  1. To develop and test a joint transnational curriculum/programme among the involved schools;
  2. To identify a set of common assessment and certification methods tailored to the acquired competencies and skills;
  3. To build organisational capacity in upper secondary schools through the identification and solution of administrative and management problems pertaining to the long-term transnational mobility of pupils.


The project consists in a set of 6 transnational coordination meetings, two training seminars for teachers and two long-term mobility of students during which the Model was tested.


The project developed fuor products (Intellectual Outputs – IOs), which are the core results of this 36-month-long project:

Intellectual Output 1 |Study Plan Model

IO1 consists of two principal deliverables

  • The Study Plan Model
  • The Roadmap to Development

The Study Plan Model offers an exemplary sample of the preparatory work and documentation required to be collected, analysed, and processed utilising the DEEDS methodology for the development of transnational mobilities for upper secondary school students.

The Roadmap to Development consists of a step-by-step guide for teachers and school administrators aiming to facilitate the various phases of the development of a joint transnational student exchange study programme. It touches on and elaborates upon an array of themes and topics related to the various planning, developmental, and implementation phases, providing a deeper understanding of the rationale of the DEEDS methodological framework.
Intellectual Output 2 |Assessment Tools

A set of proposed Assessment Tools to be employed by the participating schools in the framework of the joint study programme and more specifically during and after the mobility periods aiming to provide schools with the means of evaluating and accrediting exchange students with the necessary skills and competencies.

Intellectual Output 3 |Organisational and Administrative Package (AOP)

AOP aims to support participating schools in establishing the adoption of internal organisational and administrative procedures to ensure the smooth management and deployment of a given mobility. In particular, the AOP addresses four key areas:

  • the internal management procedures
  • the smooth management of the outgoing mobilities
  • the smooth management of the incoming mobilities
  • the recognition (from an administrative point of view) of the experience
Intellectual Output 4 |DEEDS eLearning Platform

The platform offers an online training path to school communities, predominantly targeting teachers and administrative staff, facilitating their efforts in developing their own student exchange programmes/mobilities. By utilising the various intellectual outputs, it provides learners with interactive pathways linking theory and practice, ultimately:

  • increasing the capacity of teaching and non-teaching staff to plan and conduct activities for the preparatory stages of a transnational student exchange programme, via step-to-step guidance on the basis of a tested and tried process;
  • raising the awareness of all engaging actors on the importance and value surrounding students’ skills, competencies, and attitudes developed through their participation in a student exchange programme, necessary in becoming the European citizens of the future;
  • offering tested, tailored-to-purpose teaching, assessment and certification material and procedures for school communities to redeploy or to build upon when carrying out student mobility projects.

Our project was featured among the Stories of the Italian National Agency for Erasmus+

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