Funded by

Europe For Citizens

SERN Secretariat


A European approach towards CO2 emissions reduction through awareness raising actions

About the project

3X20 was born as an informal learning opportunity to involve target groups on CO2 emissions reduction, increase energy efficiency and the use of renewable energy sources through exchanging best practices and experiences from different European countries that are facing different environmental changes. Six transnational meetings have been held: 4 seminars and workshops, a kick-off and a final steering committee meeting to decide on the dissemination and evaluation of the project. The four transnational events have been open to citizens, local and international participants were recruited among stakeholders belonging to specific target groups in two different ways either by direct invitation with a letter or email. The local general public was informed by press articles, institutional web sites and mailing to local associations.


The project adressed different sets of objectives, some horizontal features like promoting European Values (tolerance, mutual understanding, solidarity, etc.); contributing to informal learning for active European citizenship and fostering a transnational approach with a local dimension (able to reach European citizens in their everyday lives) framed all the activites.
The partners have been keen to give citizens the opportunity to interact and participate in constructing an ever closer Europe, which is democratic and world-oriented, united in and enriched through its cultural diversity. With its activities the project aimed at developing a sense of European identity, based on common values, history and culture, encouraging the interaction between citizens and civil society organisations from all participating countries, contributing to intercultural dialogue and enhancing Europe’s diversity and unity, with particular attention to activities aimed at developing closer ties between citizens from the member states.

Target groups identified as representative stakeholders of the society were:
– Politicians and Civil Servants to define, plan and implement sustainable actions inside Public Administration: exchange of good practice through workshops and site visits is the best way;
– Planners & Technicians (Craft Association) to improve quality of design and planning in a shared way and to involve specialised workers who are the main consultants of citizens;
– Universities & Schools to involve young generations and teachers to define the right way to communicate and promote sustainability;
– Non Governmental Organisations (NGOs) to promote sustainable energy, awareness in wider society through the organisation of public events/campaigns;
– Citizen and Youth Associations to promote renewable energies and improve energy efficiency and recocnizing that it is a low cost resource.


Seminar in Rimini
Seminar in Norrköping
Seminar in Dietzenbach
Seminar in Linkoping
Seminar in Reggio Emilia


Over 350 participants from 4 countries and representatives of the groups of stakeholders have participated actively in the 4 transnational meetings. Every partner participated in all transnational meetings, demonstrating how important this project was for them. Five European projects or campaigns and tens of local projects have been shared as best practises. During the six site visits it has been explained how to implement best practises, communication campaigns and technical solutions. Several partners have expressed their interest to subscribe to the Covenant of Mayors and to adopt the European PR campaign ENGAGE promoted by Energy Cities Network to develope Sustainable Energy Action Plans and involve stakeholders in CO2 emissions reduction