Unione dei Comuni Valli Taro e Ceno

Unione Comuni Valli Taro e Ceno


Driving Priorities

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About the Member

The Union of the rivers Taro and Ceno Valleys, born in 2014 is made up of seven municipalities: Bedonia, Bore, Borgo Val di Taro, Compiano, Pellegrino Parmense, Tornolo and Varsi on the Parma Appenines.

The Union of the municipalities provides the functions of  promoter of  socio-economic development and  also covers the fundamental functions of an associative institution of towns.

On behalf of the seven municipalities, the Union of the rivers Taro and Ceno Valleys currently manages the following functions:

  • Social Services (Office Department plan and Assistance Service to the Elderly)
  • Help Desk for Productive activity
  • Information Technology Services
  • Municipal dog shelter
  • Real Estate Registry Office
  • Civil Protection
  • Human Resources

The Union  is also active in the promotion of sustainable tourism, in the protection and valorisation of cultural heritage and in the development of innovative projects in schools.

Activities in the Network
