Unione Pedemontana Parmense

Unione Pedemontana Parmense


Driving Priorities

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About the Member

Unione Pedemontana Parmense, created in 2008, is composed of five municipalities belonging to the Province of Parma: Comune di Collecchio Comune di Felino Comune di Montechiarugolo Comune di Sala Baganzaand Comune Di Traversetolo. It is located in the Emilia-Romagna Region at the foot of the Appennines Mountains, where live more than 50.000 inhabitants. Our land, rich in History, Art and Culture is in the heart of the so-called “Food Valley”, famous in all over the world for the Parma Ham, Parmesan Cheese and Felino Salami.
SERN Member since 2014 (before the 5 Municipalities were SERN members as separate organisations).

Activities in the Network
