Unione Val d'Enza


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About the Member

The eight municipalities of Bibbiano, Campegine, Canossa, Cavriago, Gattatico, Montecchio Emilia, San Polo d’Enza and Sant’Ilario d’Enza are part of the Union.   

The Union was born in 2008 to jointly manage important services for the community. Currently it manages social services, human resources, local police, procurement for the supply of goods and services, information systems, coordination of school and educational services. It is also an instrument of connection for the common objectives regarding environmental protection, cultural and tourist promotion. 

Extending from north to south along the Enza Valley, it crosses very different landscapes, from the typically Apennine and hilly ones in the south, to those typical of the Po Valley in the north. 

The Val d’Enza finds its most characteristic historical roots in the medieval events connected to the Canossan events and in the recent history of the Resistance. The territory is very rich in artifacts of historical value, with some sites of national and international interest. In particular, the following should be noted: 

  • Canossa Castle 
  • Rossena Castle and Rossenella Tower 
  • Village of Votigno 
  • Montecchio Castle
  • Tempietto del Petrarca 
  • Cervi House 

Libraries, exhibition halls, cultural centers are widespread. There are also two cinemas and theaters. Numerous and interesting buildings of a religious nature, often dating back to the Matildic period and subject to renovations in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. 

The typical gastronomic product is Parmigiano Reggiano, which according to some sources would have been born in the territory of Bibbiano, Municipality of the Val d’Enza.  Local wines include Lambrusco and Spergola. There are numerous vinegar factories for the production of Traditional Balsamic Vinegar. 

Activities in the Network

Social services and digitalization

Take care learning

