Liceo marconi

Liceo Scientifico Statatle Guglielmo Marconi


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About the Member

“G.Marconi” is a scientific and foreign language high school framed in the secondary education Italian system.

The scientific course has both a traditional curriculum and a technological one.

The foreign language course is focused on the study of three different languages, among which English is compulsory in every class, whereas Spanish, French, German, Russian and Chinese will be chosen by the students once they enrol.

Alongside with the traditional Italian system curriculum, our school offers international options such as Esabac and Cambridge courses or an extra  language in the scientific one.

Numerous extra-curricular activities are available, ranging from Arts (school choir, drama, music band, creative writing), sports, academic courses (to ensure easier access to University), language and technology certifications, collaboration with Academic professors and lecturers about Medicine and International studies, as well as with nearby institutions.

The school is located in the historic centre of Parma, counting around 1800 students who live both in the city and in the surrounding area.

Activities with Us
