Kunskapsförbundet Väst

Kunskapsförbundet Väst


Driving Priorities

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About the Member

Kunskapsförbundet Väst is a municipal alliance that was formed in 2013. The members are Trollhättans Stad and Vänersborgs Kommun.
The alliance works to develop and strengthen the non-compulsory schooltypes in both Trollhättan and Vänersborg.

A municipal alliance is a form of  cooperation between two or more municipalities. The cooperating municipalities are members in the alliance.

The alliance is funded through the debiting of its members, but the municipal alliance is a legal entity in its own right which is the responsible authority for the organization with its own budget and financial accounts.

Our vision: A place where we make people grow.

”A dream factory where everyone grows and has a positive outlook on the future”

Three focus areas:
Quality – we strive to offer education of high quality with students reaching their targets
Attractiveness – our aim is to be an attractive provider of education
Efficiency – our aim is to run an effective organization with a balanced budget

About us:

  • 5 100 students
  • 2 700 students in upper secondary school
  • 2 400 students in adult education
  • 650 employees
  • 435 teachers
  • 270 other employees

Our branches:
Birger Sjöberggymnasiet
Magnus Åbergsgymnasiet
Nils Ericsonsgymnasiet

Activities in the Network