ASP Parma


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About the Member

ASP Parma – Company of Personal Services of the Municipality of Parma, and of the municipalities of the Parma district (Colorno, Sorbolo-Mezzani, Torrile), is the public company that develops its business in the reference area primarily in the field of services for the elderly, with the recent inclusion of innovative projects in other areas of social need (minors, families, migrants).

ASP Parma  was established in the very early years of the 16th century. The aim has remained over time “to contribute to the protection and enhancement of the elderly and in particular of those in a state of physical and / or mental non self-sufficiency, as well as adults in difficult conditions. ”, today for the entire territory of the Parma district.

In line with the Statute, ASP has the purpose of organizing and providing social, social welfare, socio-health and educational services for minors, adults, the disabled and the elderly, in the logic of:

  • respect for the dignity of the person, diversity of opinions and religious beliefs;
  • adequacy, flexibility and personalization of interventions, in compliance with the options of the recipients and their families;
  • attention to carrying out one’s business according to criteria of effectiveness, efficiency, cost-effectiveness and impartiality, while maintaining the quality of the services rendered.

The ASP recognizes the professional contribution of operators as crucial for the quality of personal services, and to this end promotes training as a tool for the quality and effectiveness of interventions and services, to foster professional integration and to ensure the development of organizational and management innovation. The fundamental principle on which the action of ASP is based is to develop its action by proposing itself as a reference point for the design and management of social and welfare services for the entire district territory, while activating a constant and open relationship with the city ​​community and the forese.

Our work has developed, and so it wants to continue to be, in the desire to increase the number and type of services provided: we believe we have the skills and characteristics to manage social innovation processes, such as home care interventions, social housing, first reception (also for refugees).

ASP hosts elderly people and adults (including mothers with children in difficulty), residing in the district of the Municipality of Parma, who are offered a set of services that guarantee complete and continuous assistance: personal care, assistance in life activities and maintenance of autonomy, health care, rehabilitation activities, hotel service and entertainment and socialization activities, both through accredited and non-accredited services. For all these types, a homogeneous intervention model operates, in which the word “well-being” encompasses the socio-welfare and health aspects of treatment, but also the psychological and emotional-emotional ones.

Activities in the Network



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