ASP rossi-sidoli

ASP Rossi-Sidoli


Driving Priorities

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About the Member

ASP “Cav. Marco Rossi Sidoli” is a State Company for  Human Services which was set up in 2008 after the issue of the regional law of Emilia Romagna Nr2/2003 “RULES ON THE PROMOTION OF SOCIAL CITIZENSHIP AND THE REALIZATION OF AN INTEGRATED SYSTEM OF MEASURES FOR SOCIAL SERVICES”.  The headquarters are in the Municipality of Compiano (Parma).

ASP Rossi Sidoli operates in the area of the Councils of the Valleys of the river Taro and Ceno in the Province of Parma for the management and organization of social  and  public health services to the  person in every age of life, from childhood to adulthood, in vulnerable conditions or disability with particular concern to old non self sufficient people. The area covered is : Albareto, Bardi, Bedonia, Bore, Borgo Val di Taro, Compiano, Fornovo di Taro, Medesano, Pellegrino Parmense, Solignano, Terenzo, Tornolo, Varano de’ Melegari, Varsi.

From January 2022 also the municipalities of Berceto and Valmozzola will joined in so that all the 16 municipalities of the District are now part of ASP Rossi Sidoli. The bodies that make up ASP Rossi Sidoli are: the President, the Board of Directors and the Partners Assembly.

The Partners’ Assembly is made up of the Mayors of the Municipalities of the District of the Valleys of the Rivers Taro and Ceno and the Parish priest of the Parish of Compiano as  a representative of the former IPAB. The Partners Assembly appoints the Board of Directors made up of three members elected who in turn elects the President, the Vice-President and the Director. ASP Rossi Sidoli has its own Statute approved by the Regional Council of Emilia Romagna.

An integral part of ASP Rossi Sidoli is the Home for the Elderly of Compiano which opened in 1890. It is situated near the historic centre of the town and at the foot of the Castle. It is a health residential area that accommodates non auto sufficient old people who have different healthcare requirements and supplies hospitality and assistance and  every day help activities. Another important assistance service is the Day Care Assistance Centre: a day time facility for elderly people with different grades of autonomy that offers assistance and carries out  socialization and animation programmes. The elderly return home in the evening in order to maintain personal and social self sufficiency as long as possible.

Activities in the Network
