1st SERN Thematic wall
artificial intelligence for more sustainable and inclusive communities
The first STW, starting in January, will focus on Artificial Intelligence for More Sustainable and Inclusive Communities.
In our ever-evolving world, the fusion of technology and societal progress stands as a beacon of hope. Artificial Intelligence (AI) emerges as a powerful catalyst, offering innovative solutions to address the pressing challenges faced also by our communities. Its potential to revolutionise the way we manage resources, govern our cities and educate generations underlines a key point in our ongoing work towards a more just and equitable society.
Within this transformative landscape, our forthcoming STW seeks to spotlight the key role of AI in shaping more sustainable and inclusive communities thus pursuing the strategic objectives of the SERN Network. By harnessing the potential of AI, we aim to pave a path towards a future where technological advancements are not just milestones of progress but are also instrumental in addressing pressing social, environmental, and educational challenges. The focus on AI’s integration into public administrations, educational systems, and services for vulnerable groups encapsulates our commitment to exploring the multifaceted ways in which AI can be leveraged for the collective good.
7 February 2024
The webinar provided key insights into how AI and Digital Twins are transforming governance, urban planning, and public services. Experts from Sweden, Italy, and Portugal shared practical applications, including AI-driven forecasting tools, smart rural initiatives, and digital twins for sustainable urban development. The discussion highlighted both opportunities and challenges, from ethical AI implementation to data security and public engagement.
26 February 2024
The webinar explored how artificial intelligence is reshaping teaching and learning, covering both theoretical insights and practical examples. Participants gained insights from researchers, experts, and educators on the complexities, possibilities, and challenges of integrating AI into educational practices. Whether educators looking to improve their teaching strategies with AI or civil servants interested in the impact of AI on education, attendees found valuable discussions and perspectives in this session.
30 April 2024
The seminar aimed to explore the interrelationship between social services and digitalisation, highlighting how emerging technologies have been radically transforming the care sector. In an increasingly connected and technologically advanced world, it was crucial to understand how the implementation of digital solutions could improve the quality of life of those aided by social services and optimise the care they received.
Our objective is to increase cooperation among the
members of the network, between Italy and Sweden
and, more in general, the North and South of
the European Union.
Stradone Martiri della Libertà, 15 – 43123 Parma (PR) – Italy | C.F.: 91251370374
Tel: +39 0521686023 – Fax: +39 0521686023 – Website: www.sern.eu – Email: secretariat@sern.eu – PEC: secretariat@pec.sern.eu
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