Centro Servizi Associati - CSA

Centro Servizi Associati - CSA


Driving Priorities

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About the Member

Centro Servizi Associati-CSA is a non-profit association/social enterprise located in San Vendemiano (an industrial and wine touristic area in the Veneto Region) specialised in the educational field for minors, youngsters, adults, elderly people and entrepreneurs. It was founded in 1986 with the aim of pursuing the general interest of the community and promoting social integration of citizens and their work.

CSA is also an incubator of ideas and relationships, where people and companies can find concrete answers to their needs for professional growth and affirmation. CSA offers daily occasions for discussion, reflection and real opportunities to acquire personal, professional and organizational knowledge. At CSA people and companies can find the right ground on which they can create new starting points and embark on a unique path of growth. CSA guides students through a constant monitoring of scenarios and through careful research on management. Its objectives are: 

  • To provide articulates answers and effective solutions to the increasingly widespread needs regarding quality of life, respect of the environment and sustainability, management of public and private services. training and re-qualification in the social field, job placement;
  • To combine effectiveness and efficiency with social solidarity; 
  • To foster innovation and design approach in order to improve the ability to formulate flexible and punctual responses with respect to the dynamic evolution of the economic-social context and the varied demand for services, having a constant reference to an associated work model and of civil utility.

CSA’s strength lies in the constant attention to the value of people, to the role of national and international institutions, to the ethical dimension of every economic action, to the importance of merit in economic and social life:

  • executive courses and projects tailored to companies, professionals, managers and young students/graduates
  • Training and consultancy for schools, institutions and industries, sport-culture-environment association
  • Projects in collaboration with Italian and foreign institutions for the internationalisation of companies
  • Activities for the managerial development of Public Administrations
  • HUB on themes of European Management, Social and Environmental issues.
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